The EUProtect First Use-Case Workshop ended successfully

Today’s #EUProtect first use-case #workshop was a great success. About 60 participants from many different fields such as #engineering#architecture#transportationindustry#research#safetyandsecurity#cbrne#defence#civilprotection#aerospace, governmental and non-governmental organizations among others, registered from several countries around the world.
We discussed the results of the EUProtect project in the field of protection of #shoppingmalls against #terrorist threats.

Thank you for participating from the EUProtect consortium:
STAM S.r.l.IAI – Istituto Affari InternazionaliMetro de Madrid, S.A., APF Ingeniería, Paulinyi & PartnersUniversity of Rome Tor VergataCBRN GATE a comprehensive portal

But there is more!

We would like to invite you to the final use-case workshop that will be held on March 17, 2022 in #Madrid (and probably online as well) to discuss the results achieved in the protection of metro stations and to conclude the project.

1 thought on “The EUProtect First Use-Case Workshop ended successfully”

  1. Giovanni Maria Ferraris

    Very interesting! I would like to receive the link to connect myself for your next presentation. Thank you

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