The First EUProtect Dissemination Webinar was a success! Thank you!

Today’s dissemination webinar of EUProtect “Development of new solutions for the protection of citizens and infrastructures against terrorist threats” was a success! It saw more than 40 participants coming from the fields of safety & security, armed forces, law enforcement, fire fighters, industry, government, critical infrastructure, soft targets, cybersecurity, CBRNe, research and university, from several different countries.

The EUProtect Consortium wants thank all those who participated and showed interest in this important project.

EUProtect project will organise more events in the coming months. Stay tuned!

STAM S.r.l.IAI – Istituto Affari InternazionaliMetro de Madrid, S.A., APF Ingeniería, Paulinyi & PartnersUniversity of Rome Tor VergataCBRN GATE a comprehensive portal.

#SecurityUnion, #ISF, #europeancommission #safetyandsecurity.

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