EUProtect Second Webinar - June 14th, 2021

On June 14th, 2021, from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM (CEST) the #EUProtect Project will held the second informative webinar to present this amazing ISF project and the results so far achieved to the public.

The participation is free and open to professionals, academics, students, and experts in the fields of safety & security, protection of European critical infrastructure and soft targets against terrorist threats and CBRN.

To participate, please confirm your attendance by following the instructions in the draft agenda attached.

The registration is necessary in order to obtain the passcode to join the webinar.

STAM S.r.l.IAI – Istituto Affari InternazionaliMetro de Madrid, S.A., APF Ingeniería, Paulinyi & PartnersUniversity of Rome Tor VergataCBRN GATE a comprehensive portal

#SecurityUnion, #ISF, #europeancommission #safetyandsecurity.

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