Only one week left to the EUProtect First Use-Case Workshop

Only one week left to the first #EUProtect online use-case #workshop of January 20th, 2022.
During the workshop, different solutions, designed and modelled to enhance the #safetyandsecurity against #terrorist attack of public spaces, with a particular focus on #shoppingmalls, will be presented.
This is a great chance to get an update on what is being done for the #protection of the citizens in terms of #engineering#architecture#design and #CBRNe.

To join the workshop register your participation at

STAM S.r.l.IAI – Istituto Affari InternazionaliMetro de Madrid, S.A., APF Ingeniería, Paulinyi & PartnersUniversity of Rome Tor VergataCBRN GATE a comprehensive portal

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